Local Employment Planning Council

Local Employment Planning Council

As part of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' work to modernize employment and training programs across the province, they have recently launched 8 pilots for Local Employment Planning Councils (LEPCs). Literacy Link South Central, in partnership with the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board, is pleased to be coordinating the LEPC for Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford and the City of London.

This initiative is a component of MTCU’s Transformation of Employment and Training Services (TETS), intended to modernize and coordinate employment and training programs to ensure they are effective within each unique region of the province. It is hoped that LEPCs will serve as a key system feature for integrated employment and training services by connecting employers, different levels of government, service providers and other local partners. 

We look forward to working on this LEPC pilot with employers and service providers throughout Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford and the City of London.

To see more about the Local Employment Planning Council project, please visit the LEPC Project section below.

LEPC Project

LEPC Webinar

The Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board (EMOWPDB) and Literacy Link South Central (LLSC) invite you to listen to a short webinar introducing the NEW Local Employment Planning Council (LEPC). 

The webinar, hosted on February 16, 2016, outlined the goals and strategies of the LEPC, its structure, important timelines, and different ways service providers, employers and other stakeholders can get involved.

To view a recorded version of the webinar, click here

The slide deck for the webinar is also included here for your reference. 

If you have questions about the LEPC pilot, please contact lepc@workforcedevelopment.ca

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.
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