Clear Writing Services

Clear Writing Services

Clear Writing

If it's worth writing, it's worth writing clearly.
Clear Writing (often referred to as Plain Language) considers what something says and how it looks. Make your written materials easier for everyone to understand.

Literacy Link South Central is your local Clear Writing specialist. Let us help you decide what needs your readers have and which messages are essential. We offer a variety of services that will help make your messages clearer and easier to understand.

Contact us for a free estimate.
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Businesses and Corporations

  • Increase staff efficiency. Employees are more likely to understand what you want them to do.
  • Increase safety in the workplace. Employees are more likely to understand policies and procedures.
  • Increase your marketing advantage. More people will understand what you have to offer.

Government Departments

  • More people will be informed. Easy to understand information reaches a greater percentage of the population.
  • More people will trust what you have to say. Clear messages are powerful messages.
  • More people can participate in government initiatives. A greater number of people will feel involved in the democratic process.

Non-Profit Community Services

  • Increase program participation. Clients have a better chance of understanding your promotional materials.
  • Meet your clients' needs.
  • Understanding information will decrease your clients' anxiety.
  • Make it easy for people to understand policies. Clients will have a greater chance of doing what they need to do.

Clear Writing: Myth vs. Truth

Myth: It takes too much time to rewrite documents.

Truth: Literacy Link South Central offers Clear Writing services. We charge a small cost recovery fee to review and rewrite your materials according to the principles of Clear Writing. We offer free estimates for all our Clear Writing services.

Myth: It takes too much time to review all our pamphlets.

Truth: Clear Writing can be done one step at a time. Pick a time that is convenient to start reviewing how effective your written materials are. Gather feedback about your materials from the people you work with. Ask staff for feedback during regular staff meetings. Ask your clients and customers for feedback. Everyone likes to offer ideas and it shows you respect their opinions.

Myth: Using Clear Writing will make things look plain and boring.

Truth: Clear Writing suggests that “less is more.” You can still be creative and use easy to understand words, more white space and graphics that guide the reader.  

Myth: Clear Writing is too hard to do.

Truth: Many Clear Writing tips are just common sense such as “short sentences are easier to read” or “simpler words are easier to understand.” Literacy Link South Central offers Clear Writing workshops to teach you these easy tips and how to use them.  

Myth: Clear Writing doesn’t fit for us. We have to use certain words to talk about complicated issues.

Truth: Many businesses and services have difficult words and concepts as part of the work they do. There is room for Clear Writing under these circumstances. In fact, it’s when we need Clear Writing the most!

Myth: We’ve never had a complaint about our written materials so everyone must understand them.

Truth: You might never know how well your materials are understood. If people can’t understand what you are trying to communicate to them, you may never hear from them. If something looks complicated or hard to read, people might just ignore it.

Myth: We don’t have any customers with low literacy.

Truth: Statistics show that almost ½ the people of Ontario struggle in some way with literacy. It is a hidden issue. Many newcomers to Ontario are learning to speak English. Reading could be a challenge for them. By Clear Writing documents you are including readers who have literacy and language issues. 

No matter what literacy and language skills people have, we are all experiencing information overload. You are also making it easy for busy people to get your message!

Myth: Clear Writing services will cost too much.

Truth: You could be saving money. Clear Writing can:
  • Increase staff efficiency. Employees are more likely to understand what you want them to do.
  • Increase safety in the workplace.
  • Increase your marketing advantage.
Our Clear Writing services may cost less than you think. Contact us for a free estimate; we would enjoy talking to you about your Clear Writing needs.

Our Clear Writing Commitment

Literacy Link South Central believes in people's right to be informed. To this end we strive to create written materials that are easier for everyone to understand. To do this we apply the principles of Clear Writing to all of our work. 

We empower others in our community to follow this Clear Writing commitment. We:
  • provide Clear Writing workshops
  • offer Clear Writing consultations and rewriting services
  • form partnerships to do projects that explore Clear Writing "best practices"
Staff, project team members and consultants for Literacy Link South Central will continue to apply Clear Writing principles in the work they do. This is our commitment to you.

Consulting, reviewing and rewriting services are available. Call us for a free estimate - 519-681-7307.
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